By Alan Bates, MD
WEALTH: Taxation is self-destructive and California is the poster child. Time and time again, history has shown that raising taxes cause a decline in revenue at both state and federal levels. California has a projected 2012 budget deficit of 28 billion dollars. Gov. Jerry Brown and the Democrat state legislature have, instead of cutting spending (for unrealistic union pensions), raised state income AND sales taxes for 2013. Those earning the most will pay combined federal and state taxes of more than half their income if federal tax rates go up next year. So how do producers react? They leave and have been! About 225 thousand residents have left California EACH year over the past decade, and during that time there has been a net transfer of about 16 billion dollars from the California economy into those of Nevada, Arizona and Texas.
SELF-DEFENSE: Confiscation of weapons of self-defense does NOT reduce violence on law-abiding citizens. Since the latest mass shooting, left-wing zealots have emerged like cockroaches on the socialist media networks to influence politicians and the public using mass hysteria, convenient forgetfulness and/or denial of historical data, and Alinsky tactics such as juvenile name-calling, taking over opponents who are armed with facts, and diversion of discussion points when caught in their lies (all exhibited by Piers ‘Moron’ of CNN when he ‘interviewed’ Larry Pratt of ‘GunOwners of America’ last week). Despite facts to the contrary, they choose to blame such awful events on guns instead of sick individuals. The Left’s ultimate goal is to infringe the freedoms endowed to law-abiding citizens by our Constitution.
The ‘assault weapons’ (1) ban, which lasted 10 years, was allowed to expire 8 years ago because it had no effect on gun-related crimes. Yet it is again being proposed by the Left and their political operatives in their attempt to control We the People. Lott and Landes in their study found that the only ‘policy factor’ to influence multiple victim public shootings was the passage of concealed handgun laws (2). FBI data show a steady decline in violent and gun-related crimes over the past seven years and a 50 percent reduction since 1992 (3), synchronous with an increase in the number of states which allow concealed carry of firearms for self-defense. The Left conveniently ignores statistics which show that criminals acquire and use guns no matter what restrictions are placed on law-abiding citizens (4). It has been repeatedly demonstrated throughout history that when governments take away the right to own firearms, tyranny frequently follows (5). The murder rate in the United States is amongst the lowest in the world and primarily confined to large metropolitan areas, particularly those which impose restrictions on gun ownership by law-abiding citizens (Chicago, DC).
The Second Amendment was second only to freedom of speech and expression according to our Founders. It specifies that citizens have the right to own and bear arms for the single purpose of defending against tyranny. During the American Revolution, the Colonists were at least as well-armed as the British Redcoats---and they won. Why should not American citizens be just as well armed today as forces which might support a tyrannical regime? Relevant quotes from our Founders:
Joseph Story, 1833 U.S. Supreme Court Justice wrote: “The RIGHT of a CITIZEN to KEEP and BEAR ARMS has JUSTLY been considered the palladium of The Liberties of The Republic, since it offers a STRONG MORAL CHECK AGAINST USURPATION and ARBITRARY POWER of rulers, and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, ENABLE THE PEOPLE to RESIST and TRIUMPH OVER them!”
James Madison’s ORIGINAL draft of The Second Amendment: “THE RIGHT of THE PEOPLE to KEEP and BEAR ARMS shall NOT be infringed; a WELL ARMED and WELL REGULATED Militia being THE BEST SECURITY of a FREE Country.”
George Mason, “Father of The Bill of Rights”, wrote: “ WHAT is The Militia? It is THE WHOLE PEOPLE! To disarm THE PEOPLE is the best and most effectual way to ENSLAVE THEM!”
Anonymous: “Don't try to explain yourself to stupid people - You are not the Jackass Whisperer.”
RELIGION: Violence is driven by destruction of moral principles. The Left ignores the real causes of and solutions to violence in society ( such as the Biblical principle ‘Thou shalt not kill’). Why? Because real solutions would destroy the Left’s ideology which is to remove God from our government, schools and families, and even our churches. The results of their perverted ideology? Mass murders, destroyed families, children with little or no concept of responsibility, right vs. wrong or good vs. evil. The liberal Left through Hollywood promotes the sensationalism of violence which has resulted in the desensitization of our children and society in general. They are responsible for far more deaths of children than any other cause: abortions ‘for convenience’ which result in the deaths of nearly 3500 children in America each day. Morality and virtue form the basis for respect for life and liberty. Patriots must not let down our Founders, those who have died for our freedom, and most of all, our children! A free people do not have to tolerate the tyranny of a government which has no regard for the rule of law or our Constitution. And the Second Amendment grants patriots the ultimate solution if necessary to restore our government to its rightful place amongst the people.
1. The term "assault rifle" is a misnomer. A true assault weapon is capable of
firing in semi-automatic as well as fully automatic mode. Such weapons have
been outlawed without a special license since 1934. The high capacity 30 rd magazines available for the military style so-called "assault" rifles are defensive weapons and reflect, for civilian purposes, the same mindset as held by most police departments. The nature of the criminal threat is increasingly characterized by multiple bad guys with extensive firepower. As a matter of 2nd Amendment rights, there is no reason why police should be better armed than a peaceful law-abiding citizen who merely wants to prepare for an assault on the street or a potential home invasion.
Copyright 12/23/2012 by Gulf1
WEALTH: Taxation is self-destructive and California is the poster child. Time and time again, history has shown that raising taxes cause a decline in revenue at both state and federal levels. California has a projected 2012 budget deficit of 28 billion dollars. Gov. Jerry Brown and the Democrat state legislature have, instead of cutting spending (for unrealistic union pensions), raised state income AND sales taxes for 2013. Those earning the most will pay combined federal and state taxes of more than half their income if federal tax rates go up next year. So how do producers react? They leave and have been! About 225 thousand residents have left California EACH year over the past decade, and during that time there has been a net transfer of about 16 billion dollars from the California economy into those of Nevada, Arizona and Texas.
SELF-DEFENSE: Confiscation of weapons of self-defense does NOT reduce violence on law-abiding citizens. Since the latest mass shooting, left-wing zealots have emerged like cockroaches on the socialist media networks to influence politicians and the public using mass hysteria, convenient forgetfulness and/or denial of historical data, and Alinsky tactics such as juvenile name-calling, taking over opponents who are armed with facts, and diversion of discussion points when caught in their lies (all exhibited by Piers ‘Moron’ of CNN when he ‘interviewed’ Larry Pratt of ‘GunOwners of America’ last week). Despite facts to the contrary, they choose to blame such awful events on guns instead of sick individuals. The Left’s ultimate goal is to infringe the freedoms endowed to law-abiding citizens by our Constitution.
The ‘assault weapons’ (1) ban, which lasted 10 years, was allowed to expire 8 years ago because it had no effect on gun-related crimes. Yet it is again being proposed by the Left and their political operatives in their attempt to control We the People. Lott and Landes in their study found that the only ‘policy factor’ to influence multiple victim public shootings was the passage of concealed handgun laws (2). FBI data show a steady decline in violent and gun-related crimes over the past seven years and a 50 percent reduction since 1992 (3), synchronous with an increase in the number of states which allow concealed carry of firearms for self-defense. The Left conveniently ignores statistics which show that criminals acquire and use guns no matter what restrictions are placed on law-abiding citizens (4). It has been repeatedly demonstrated throughout history that when governments take away the right to own firearms, tyranny frequently follows (5). The murder rate in the United States is amongst the lowest in the world and primarily confined to large metropolitan areas, particularly those which impose restrictions on gun ownership by law-abiding citizens (Chicago, DC).
The Second Amendment was second only to freedom of speech and expression according to our Founders. It specifies that citizens have the right to own and bear arms for the single purpose of defending against tyranny. During the American Revolution, the Colonists were at least as well-armed as the British Redcoats---and they won. Why should not American citizens be just as well armed today as forces which might support a tyrannical regime? Relevant quotes from our Founders:
Joseph Story, 1833 U.S. Supreme Court Justice wrote: “The RIGHT of a CITIZEN to KEEP and BEAR ARMS has JUSTLY been considered the palladium of The Liberties of The Republic, since it offers a STRONG MORAL CHECK AGAINST USURPATION and ARBITRARY POWER of rulers, and will generally, even if these are successful in the first instance, ENABLE THE PEOPLE to RESIST and TRIUMPH OVER them!”
James Madison’s ORIGINAL draft of The Second Amendment: “THE RIGHT of THE PEOPLE to KEEP and BEAR ARMS shall NOT be infringed; a WELL ARMED and WELL REGULATED Militia being THE BEST SECURITY of a FREE Country.”
George Mason, “Father of The Bill of Rights”, wrote: “ WHAT is The Militia? It is THE WHOLE PEOPLE! To disarm THE PEOPLE is the best and most effectual way to ENSLAVE THEM!”
Anonymous: “Don't try to explain yourself to stupid people - You are not the Jackass Whisperer.”
RELIGION: Violence is driven by destruction of moral principles. The Left ignores the real causes of and solutions to violence in society ( such as the Biblical principle ‘Thou shalt not kill’). Why? Because real solutions would destroy the Left’s ideology which is to remove God from our government, schools and families, and even our churches. The results of their perverted ideology? Mass murders, destroyed families, children with little or no concept of responsibility, right vs. wrong or good vs. evil. The liberal Left through Hollywood promotes the sensationalism of violence which has resulted in the desensitization of our children and society in general. They are responsible for far more deaths of children than any other cause: abortions ‘for convenience’ which result in the deaths of nearly 3500 children in America each day. Morality and virtue form the basis for respect for life and liberty. Patriots must not let down our Founders, those who have died for our freedom, and most of all, our children! A free people do not have to tolerate the tyranny of a government which has no regard for the rule of law or our Constitution. And the Second Amendment grants patriots the ultimate solution if necessary to restore our government to its rightful place amongst the people.
1. The term "assault rifle" is a misnomer. A true assault weapon is capable of
firing in semi-automatic as well as fully automatic mode. Such weapons have
been outlawed without a special license since 1934. The high capacity 30 rd magazines available for the military style so-called "assault" rifles are defensive weapons and reflect, for civilian purposes, the same mindset as held by most police departments. The nature of the criminal threat is increasingly characterized by multiple bad guys with extensive firepower. As a matter of 2nd Amendment rights, there is no reason why police should be better armed than a peaceful law-abiding citizen who merely wants to prepare for an assault on the street or a potential home invasion.
Copyright 12/23/2012 by Gulf1