by Colonel Bob Pappas, United States Marine Corps., Retired.
As Americans watch and listen to the media fall all over themselves while making predictions about the forthcoming general election that is a “mere” eighteen months away, one gets the impression that it is close at hand, and with the termination of bin Laden is “Gutsy-call” Obama’s to lose. The facts are that there will be a new President; or in the alternative Americans will reject freedom in favor of serfdom arising out of bloated, overreaching, intrusive and controlling, totalitarian (read Democrat) government. That was a nice way of putting what Obama told Americans were his intentions from the outset: “We will totally change America;” and, “We will totally change the economic system.”
What did Obama mean by those statements? The best place to begin is where America was during his lifetime. It emerged from WWII as the preeminent world power and although challenged technologically by the Soviet Union for fifty years not many people except perhaps some Kenyans would trade their collective or individual situations with anyone in the Soviet Union. Even in recession the U.S. remains the strongest nation in the world by most measures. America’s strength grew out of and remains its foundation, The Christian faith and the U.S. Constitution. It was not diversity (read the Federalist and Anti-Federalist papers), not secularism, and not Islam despite what Obama would like people to believe. Those two, Christianity and the Constitution, more than all other factors combined, beginning during WWII made the U.S. the greatest nation the world has ever known. Many comparisons have been made to Rome or even to ancient China; all comparisons are wrong! Nowhere, or ever, since Creation has there been the breadth and depth of physical and economic freedom enjoyed by a people. The fact that there is diversity today if any sociologist would care to address it is a reflection of the freedom build into America’s Constitutional foundation by Christian men, not Muslims! And, one might add, even the freedom to commit national suicide by embracing the latter.
So, when Obama told Americans that he intended “total change,” the only logical conclusion as to what he meant is: change from a free market economy to something that is not free market; and, a changed society where freedom is preeminent to one where there are severe limits on freedom. What are the possible alternatives? The undeniable answer is: Dictatorship, Socialism, Communism, a European style blend of the latter two, or something like they have in China. Nothing anywhere comes close to what the U.S. has enjoyed for the past sixty years and which Obama has promised to “totally change;” and, in which he is succeeding unless stopped.
It is, or should be evident to even the most naïve that Obama has undertaken to quench the beacon of freedom, to transform America from the world’s leading proponent and guardian of freedom into an extension of the Kenyan fantasy advanced by his father. And that objective, “spreading the wealth around,” and “cutting of America down to size,” have been the goals and the focus of Barrack Hussein Obama II.
Whenever I hear media analysts say: “Obama is incompetent,” “Obama doesn’t understand America,” “Obama was handed this deck” and the litany of other excuses and phrases designed to mislead Americans about his intentional deconstruction of the United States, except for steel-willed self-control one may be tempted to inflict irreparable damage upon the computer, television or radio. The reason that Trump rocketed to the top of the popularity charts albeit will not remain, is because he the only nationally known person who has the cojones to ask questions that need to be answered. In return of course, the political left immediately hauled out their red herring, “racist” guns beginning with “Whoopi” and teleprompter reading talking heads on CNN, ABC, CBS and MSNBC. Even FOX (Fair and Balanced) News is afflicted with TCDS or “Total Change Denial Syndrome.”
The media has and is trying to feed Americans the swill that “Obama has moved to the middle,” which is about as valid as Castro admitting in the grand scheme of things that he was bad for Cuba. Are they kidding? No, they are complicit! Anything that Obama does to feign movement toward the middle is a basket ball “head fake.” If he really wanted to move to the middle, he would support repeal of “Obamacare,” defend the “Defense of Marriage Act,” repudiate his love affair with Muslims and Islamic States, terminate his misguided support and advancement of homosexual behavior, close the southern border of the United States with Mexico, expend not one more American life or penny of treasure in Afghanistan, Libya where the U.S. has not one wit of interest other than the same that was visited on bin Laden; and demand and support the enactment of tight restrictions on Day Trading and Futures Speculation; and, many more. There! And I didn’t need a “commission” to help. Obama! The Drummers are Coming to drum you out of Washington! And, not soon enough!
Susan L. Lenzkes wrote: “Jesus, please teach me to appreciate what I have before time forces me to appreciate what I had.”
Semper Fidelis
Copyright © May 5, 2011, by Robert L. Pappas. With proper attribution, this essay may be quoted and redistributed, except it may not be used in conjunction with any advertisement without the author’s expressed written permission.